I Understand Personal Injury Representation
When people think of personal injuries, personal injury law and personal injury attorneys, they aren’t often “charitable.” Lots of people believe that they aren’t going to get into an accident, or if they do, things will be sorted out simply. That’s just not how it works.
My name is Melissa Kelley, and I’m a personal injury attorney with experience protecting clients’ needs and interests in all types of personal injury claims. My clients come from Hampton Roads and are suffering from painful injuries and frustrating challenges to their finances while trying to recover. I can help solve these problems.
A Keen Understanding Of Insurance Law
For 20 years, I was a litigation manager at an insurance company. I lead insurance efforts to find solutions to claims. Now as an attorney, I work on the other side, pursuing compensation for clients in need of help.
I use my knowledge and insight into the personal injury system and insurance tactics to secure compensation for clients in all aspects of injury law, including:
- Car accidents: A car crash is the most common type of personal injury. But the injuries they cause can be painful and long-lasting.
- Slip-and-falls: Every property owner has a duty to ensure the property is safe for visitors, without hazards that will cause falls.
- Animal bites: Every dog owner and property owner must take reasonable precautions to ensure people are protected from their animals or animals living on their property.
- Workplace injuries: Virginia like every state has laws requiring workplaces to cover the injuries sustained by workers in accidents at work.
These injuries are serious, painful and extremely expensive to recover from. My job as your personal injury attorney is to find solutions to your problems and help you pursue all of the compensation you need.
Guidance Through Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries take place when a person receives injuries that vastly change their personal circumstances significantly, leaving them in devastating financial straits. These accidents can occur most often in car accidents but are also possible in nearly any kind of accident.
The medical definition of “catastrophic” is one that disrupts a person’s day-to-day life and inflicts lifelong disabilities. Some examples of these injuries include:
- Amputations: Loss of limbs, appendages, and other personal disfigurement can require mobility aids and considerable plastic surgery.
- Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries lead to paralysis and nerve damage, requiring mobility aids and long-term care to ensure health.
- Traumatic brain injuries: Traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions or punctures, can lead to permanent intellectual disabilities and personality changes.
- Organ damage: Your soft tissues are easily damaged when there is a forceful impact, and when they take damage, it can be some time before it is discovered. These are life-threatening, disabling injuries.
- Blinding or deafening injuries: Injuries to your eyes and ears may not be injuries you can recover from. These become permanent changes to your life.
- Wrongful deaths: Loss of life due to negligence can still incur massive medical bills during lifesaving efforts.
Catastrophic injuries are the most painful, most long-lasting injuries you can suffer. Because of those factors, they are also the most expensive and hard-fought by insurers. But I will be with you the whole way.
Attentive Attorney On Your Side
I’m here to assist you with all your needs in your personal injury case. I’ll be your counselor, personally and legally, in the pursuit of what you deserve. Contact my office at or send an email using this form.